Int´nl Weird Collage Show, Trondheim, 2016

Int´nl Weird Collage Show, Trondheim, 2016

Featuring art from:
Alan Ganev (Canada), Andre Bergamin (Brazil), Anna Katrin Karlsson (Norway), Anna Taratiel (Spain), Anthony Zinonos (Usa), April Gertler (Germany), Ashkan Honarvar (Norway), Bill Noir (France), Charles Wilkin (Usa), Choi Wong (Netherlands), Cless (Spain), Dennis Busch (Germany), Geoff J. Kim (Usa), Goster (Perú), Grande (Denmark), Håkon Bleken (Norway), Isabel Chiara (Spain), James Gallagher (Usa), John Whitlock (Usa), Jon Legere (Usa), Julia Busch (Germany), Lina Kristin Holme (Norway), Mario Zoots (Usa), Max-O-Matic (Spain), Michael Salerno (France), Rocio Montoya (Spain),  Rubén B (Spain), Sylvia Stølan (Norway).

Curated By: Ashkan Honarvar, Sylvia Stølan & Max-o-matic

18th of August 2016 – 18 th of Sept 2016

Trondhjems Kunstforening
Bispegata 9A
7013 Trondheim

26 artists, from Norway and abroad, have joined forces for a big exhibition on collage. The exhibition will showcase the cutting edge and diversity of modern day collage.

Collage has it’s roots in the Dada movement in the early 20th century. It was then seen as a rebellion against the established art world and in many ways this hasn’t changed.

After two successful shows in Spain earlier this year, we are proud to present the 13th edition of The International Weird Collage Show here in Trondheim at TKF (Trondhjems Kunstforening). The show will open on 18th of August and present a large variety of handmade collage art by some of the leading contemporary collage artists from around the world like James Gallagher, Dennis Busch, Max-o-matic, Rubén B and Ashkan Honarvar, alongside more classical artist like Håkon Bleken from Trondheim.

The IWCS has its roots in Spain and started in 2011, with Max-o-matic and Rubén B, both collage artists themselves, with the primary mission of providing enlightenment and discourse by uniting the global collage community through exhibitions, printed matter and on-line publishing. This simple premise has produced a stream of grass-roots shows and publications, propelling collage out of the shadows to become one of today’s most influential mediums.

Past exhibitions have been presented in Madrid (Spain), Rotterdam (Neatherlands), Berlin (Germany), San José (Costa Rica), Quito (Ecuador) and Lima (Perú), Brooklyn / New York (USA), Montreal (Canadá), Barcelona and Valladolid (Spain) and the  Trondheim WEIRD SHOW will continue the WEIRD tradition of providing collage artists everywhere an outlet to express their voice, offering a glimpse into the undefined and universal narratives that brings us together.