Katrien de Blauwert is an artist based in Belgium
TWS –How are you doing in this Covid-19 pandemic?
KDB –Actually, I feel more creative then before because all deadlines, travels and shows are gone/postponed now.
I have time to clean up my mind and my studio.
TWS –Are you being able to telecommute / work from home?
KDB –Yes, it makes no difference to me. My studio is in my house.
Luckily, I have enough material to work with.

TWS – Did the lock-down affected your creativity and art making? How?
KDB –Yes, I started new series that where influenced by the situation.
My dreams also became different (Corona dreams).
I’m trying new things because I have more time.
TWS –Are you able to track positive moments or things that happened during this crisis so far?
KDB –The air is cleaner and we have more contact with our neighbours.
I’m reading more books now.
TWS – What’s the first thing you would like to do when we can get back to normal?
KDB –Go to a bookshop, take the train to Paris and have dinner at my favourite restaurant.