Franz Samsa: Untitled mixed media series

1) Please, introduce yourself, tell us a little bit about you.

I was born in a small and beautiful city in the South of Italy.  Today i live in Milan where i draw my collages and i play as Dj in a rock and roll Club.  In my ‘real’ life I work for an international company.

2) What´s your definition of collage?

That’s a nice and complicated question!  To me collage is the synthesis of thousands of fragments united in order to recompose something that may be pleasing to our sights and feelings.

3) Can you describe your work process?

First of all I try to mentally define what I want to represent. Then I plunge my self  into the search for materials, browsing magazine for hours and hours. After that, I let go of my self and  i make up the first structure. The real first step is to glue the fragments then I start to draw the painted parts.

4) What led you to create this particular series?

Before starting with collage I studied painting at art academy. I still paint today, so over time I thought of joining these two passions to crate this project.

5) How would you describe your evolution as a collage artist? Where are you heading now?

After my first experiences, I was able to clarify to myself what I was doing and how I was dealing with it. Looking at the styles of others artists is a helpful source of inspirations. I have millions of example: for sure one of these is you (ref. to Max-o-matic, interviewer), but i like to get inspired also by some others like Fred Free, Mike DeSutter, Andre Bergamin, Emidio Bernardone, Zeno Peduzzi, Notamax. Since I started, four years ago, I began doing  workshops and i realized that the real goal of teaching is sharing, not only to collage, but to make people fall in love with this passion. I exposed and collaborated with big brands, one of them is  the Italian publishing house Mondadori and i very proud of it.

There is still so much work to do and I am delighted to carry on.