Curated by Teri Henderson
“Trevor Omari Davis is a multidisciplinary artist, designer and arts educator for 14 years, currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. He graduated from Savannah College of Art & Design in Animation/Computer Art.
He recently received a certificate in Responsive Pedagogy in Teaching Artistry from Teachers College Columbia University for his exemplary work with inner city kids in New York. He was born and raised in South Florida and has exhibited work in New York, New Jersey, and Florida. His recent piece is in the Jan/Feb 2021 issue of The Atlantic.
Trevor creates mixed media collages using painting and hand-drawn elements in his work that reflects the Black American memory, family, and culture with themes that is often times laced with political and social commentary.”
Instagram: @rovert_sivad
For more on the Doug + Laurie Kanyer Art Collection, focusing exclusively on collage, see @kanyerartcollection or
The Black Collagists Arts Incubator will serve as a conduit for the amplification of collages created solely by Black collage artists. It’s mission and goal is to become the premier resource on Black artists making collage globally.