Nil Ultra is an artist and graphic designer based in Los Ángeles, California
TWS –How are you doing in this Covid-19 pandemic?
NU –Hi Max! Thanks for thinking of me on this.
Thankfully I’m healthy and so is the family. Glad to hear and see you’re doing well my man!
TWS –Are you being able to telecommute / work from home?
NU –My lady and I share a studio that we converted from our basement, so we were set up for this already. It’s been fun sharing time down there. She’s a wardrobe stylist and has the sewing machine all set up and has been cranking out some funky kids clothes. Coming soon I hope!
TWS –Did the lock-down affect your creativity and art making? How?
NU –Absolutely. As I’ve been spending most of my time with my 18-month old son, I have more time to think about what I may want to work on when I do get into the studio. Right now I’m stacking up a bunch of reference material and pondering how to incorporate some collage into painting. I haven’t painted in years, so this seems like a good time to mess around.
I also had the pleasure of making some artwork for a friend’s band. My buddy Bobby from back home in Arizona has a cool little group called Wanda Junes and he hit me up just before lockdown to create something for the bands latest EP. I had fun doing it and it’s always a blast making stuff for musicians. Check ‘em out:

TWS –Are you able to track positive moments or things that happened during this crisis so far?
NU –Yeah man. We’re all learning about what we really need and when this is all over, do you really want to contribute to the crappy things in this world? I don’t… and it’s rad to see that most people feel the same way.
TWS –What’s the first thing you would like to do when we can get back to normal?
NU –I’m taking my son to the playground. Then an overpriced martini at a gentlemanly type establishment. A trip to France to hang with James Springall or maybe come see a Barça match with you!