A selection from our personal bookshelf: Axel Hoedt – Noki | 2018Published by Art Paper Editions 52 Pages24,3 × 30,5...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Patrick Pound @patrick_pound The Collection Is The Medium Patrick Pound challenges notions of singular authorship by creating...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Anita Witek @anitawitek_studio Anita Witek’s artistic work focuses on our habitual ways of seeing. Taking the medium...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Adios From Everywhere @adiosfromeverywhere...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Asger Carlsen @asgercarlsen Asger Carlsen’s deftly photoshopped images depict impossible and funny manipulations of the human body....
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Libby Oliver @chewonthisart SOFT SHELLS Soft Shells is a photography portrait series that catalogs an individual with...
A selection from our personal bookshelf: Charles Wilkin – Meat on the Overhead | 2018Images and ObservationsSelf-published 42 pages14 x...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Willi Dorner @willi_dorner Willi Dorner lives and works in Vienna, where he develops his artistic works, which...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Ramin Mazur @raminmazur Ramin Mazur is a documentary photographer who practices classical approach on the verge of...
A selection from our personal bookshelf: Frido Troost – An Educational Archive of 2863 Slides | 2020Published by Art Paper...