D. Dominick Lombardi, Curator The room seemed to tip, and its walls and ceiling and floor were transformed momentarily into...
All photos by Todd Bartel, unless otherwise noted. After his residency at the Salvatore Meo Foundation, covered in Part 1...
A selection from our personal bookshelf: Alex Trochut – More is More | 2010Published by Index Book 287 Pages24,6 x...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Cayetano Ferrer @tano4g The sculptures and installations of Cayetano Ferrer’s involve notions surrounding the remnant. Starting with...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Lucien Shapiro @lucienshapiro Dancing between life and death, my art is rife with found objects, textures, cast...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Susan Cianciolo @5th_dimensional_plain_@stuartshavemodernart Susan Cianciolo’s participatory practice is inspired by fashion, craft and domestic life. Her sculptures,...
All photos by Todd Bartel. In March of 2022, collage-based artist Todd Bartel visited the studio of little-known collage and...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: FaileHerman Miller x Faile & Deluxx Fluxx @faileart@deluxxfluxxnyc@hermanmiller CHAIR AS CANVAS Designed exclusively for the Herman Miller...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Ben Zank @benzank Ben Zank (b. 1991) was born and raised in New York City where he...
Weekly Inspiration ✨Artist: Tim Klein https://puzzlemontage.crevado.com www.facebook.com/PuzzleMontage Los Raros Las Raras special edition. Jigsaw puzzle manufacturers often use the same...