Curated by Teri Henderson
Check out the work of Lara Rouse!
Current Location: Portland, Oregon
Lara Rouse (b. London, England) has been interested in and making art from an early age. Before the birth of her daughter in 2016, drawing and painting were Rouse’s main mediums. Once she ran out of time and money to paint, she discovered that she could make a quick collage as her daughter was napping. Rouse find’s collaging a very peaceful practice.”I enjoy all the steps of looking through books and magazines and the cutting and rearranging images to make a new one.” Collaging for Rouse, is something she gets to do just for herself. _
Thank you, Lara!!!!

The Black Collagists Arts Incubator will serve as a conduit for the amplification of collages created solely by Black collage artists. It’s mission and goal is to become the premier resource on Black artists making collage globally.
[For more on the Doug + Laurie Kanyer Art Collection, focusing exclusively on collage, see @kanyerartcollection or]