Todd Bartel’s bio is endless. He’s an artist, professor and lecturer in many universities, art historian and gallery director. Todd...
I would say that your work is something like Pop Art meets the Dutch / Flemish Masters meets the Internet...
Hi Yvan, please tell us a bit about yourself and your background? I was born in Brittany France, spent all...
– Last time we interviewed you was in early 2015. How are things going? How your art has evolved since...
The New Wave of Collage the period that started around the mid 90s when few artists started to use the...
Please tell us something about yourself. Hi! My name is David Fresno, I’m a graffiti writer and an industrial engineer,...
We’re not the best art critics to evaluate the life and work of John Baldessari, who has passed away yesterday....
Hi Eli, please tell us something about yourselfI am an artist living in the U.S. and I recently relocated my...
Cut Me Up‘s founder and editor, Andrea Burgay, commissioned our own Max-o-matic to curate the magazine’s 4th issue. When finished,...
Designer, artist and cut and paste maestro John Gall talks about his career and his latest book, Collages 2008-2018. –...