A selection from our personal bookshelf: Axel Hoedt – Noki | 2018Published by Art Paper Editions 52 Pages24,3 × 30,5...
Text: Lula Valetta GlueHeads collage group exhibition. Celebrating the project GlueHeads and the life of its founder, the late Anelor...
A selection from our personal bookshelf: Jurgen Maelfeyt – American Apparel Ads | 2020Published by Art Paper Editions 32 pages24...
A selection from our personal bookshelf: Valerie Mannaerts | 2013Published by Bernier/Eliades Gallery – Agra Publications 40 Pages140 x 206...
A selection from our personal bookshelf: Gijs Assmann – For H | 2019Published by Art Paper Editionsdesign and editing: Gijs...
TWS –Can you tell us something you’d like our readers to learn about you? I am just a regular guy...
TWS –You’re an art director, photographer and worked for several years in education. How did you start your art practice? ...
Katrien de Blauwert is an artist based in Belgium TWS –How are you doing in this Covid-19 pandemic? KDB –Actually,...